19/09/06 - Project Initiated
21/09/06 - A brief description on the project idea has been added to the Docs section
29/09/06 - A first release has been made in the sourcefourge page of the project
here.It's a python script. It's not very functional to say the least, and it's full of bugs, but I'll try to make it more decent for the next week...
15/10/06 - A first working release (kika v0.1) has been made and can be downloades from the sourceforge page of the project
here Also, a redescription of the software has been included in the docs section, along with example files to test kika. Any opinions critics, or ideas related to the project can be made on the forum of the projects sourceforge page, and would be very appreciated....
24/10/06 - A second working release (kika v0.2) has been made and can be downloaded from the sourceforge page. Also, an example file of rules and a text file to test this new version have been included in the docs section. This new release includes a foreach tag and an rm tag whose functions will be explained in a "coming soon documentation..."
11/11/06 - New release (this time packaged as both a deb and rpm package) has been made available for download from
here. Detailed documentation is soon to come, but for now, the working of this kika version can be understood from
this post at the sourceforge forums. Also, new example files according to this version are available in the docs section.